
  1. Sound Formations Opening Reception

    Join us for the opening reception for Sound Formations from 6 to 9 pm during Art Walk. This group exhibition showcases beautifully handcrafted musical instruments that can also be appreciated as works of art. Members are invited to a preview reception at 5 pm.

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  2. Sound Formations LIVE

    A free public concert will be held on the Museum lawn 4-9 pm. The program is an extension of Sound Formations: Artist, Musician, Instrument Maker, an exhibition of musical instruments that highlights the synergy between hand-crafted instruments and the sounds they create. The concert will offer the rare opportunity to experience these works of art through the talents of local musicians and instrument-makers. Join us for this family-friendly free music event with pizza and craft beers available for purchase.

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  3. StART It Up! Student Art Exhibition

    An overview exhibition at the Ginger Elliott Exhibition Center in Memorial Park, curated by Project ARTstART high school students, highlights art units presented to 4-6th grade classes at Mountain View, Oakmont, Sumner, Sycamore and Vista del Valle elementary schools.

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All Past Events

  1. Art Night Out: All Wrapped Up!

  2. Looking Through the Queer Lens

  3. Piñata Bash

  4. Art & Community in Aztlán