ARTpix puts El Roble Students behind the Lens

To see the final images on the Art Wall, visit:

ARTpix is the Claremont Lewis Museum of Art’s newest after school arts education program for El Roble middle school students designed to provide a look at life in Claremont through the lens of a camera. Seventh and eighth-grade students receive hands-on training with a point-and-shoot, digital camera for this outside-of-the-classroom, field trip-based, 8-week class.

The Village of Claremont serves as the creative backdrop for student photographic experimentation, while the ARTpix program teaches basic photography skills and fosters the creativity of self-expression. Content of the ARTpix program includes basic photographic elements such as: framing, composition, line, light, shadow, color, shape, patterns and perspective. Classes are a mixture of classroom (30%), field work (50%) and computer lab (20%).

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The students’ final images are displayed on the Art Wall on the east side of The Packing House in the West Village at 532 W. First St., Claremont.

Lori Evans Lama is the director and co-creator of ARTpix. Currently a member of the CLMA Board of Directors, she was the former director of arts education and public programs for the Claremont Lewis Museum of Art (2007–2009). During that tenure and since then, Lori has created and helped build a comprehensive menu of arts education programs for CLMA. Prior to her work in Claremont, Lori worked for PBS at their headquarters in Washington, D.C.; later as a media consultant; and then as vice president for an international media company. She has created innovative educational programs and ancillary materials for pre-school children; K-12 students including under-served, multi-ethnic children; teachers; families; and adults of all ages. Lori is also an award-winning public television producer, director and writer. She co-created ARTpix with El Roble art teacher, Wendy Kubiak, as an after school arts education program for middle school students.

Wendy Kubiak is the ARTpix Instructor and co-creator of the program. Wendy joined the faculty at El Roble Intermediate School in Claremont, CA in fall of 2012. She teaches 2-D and 3-D art and photography at El Roble and art classes at San Antonio High School, both in Claremont. A 2002 graduate from UC Santa Cruz with a major in cultural anthropology and a minor in literature, she began formally studying figure drawing, graphic design and illustration at Fullerton College in 2002-2003. After pursuing postgraduate work at Cal State Fullerton, Wendy was drawn into the secondary school system. By 2010, Wendy had completed her teaching credential at Cal State LA, and began teaching middle school art exclusively. An accomplished illustrator, Wendy enjoys spending much of her free time on her own painting and drawing.

ARTpix is produced solely by the Claremont Lewis Museum of Art (CLMA) in partnership with El Roble Intermediate School and funded by generous donations from a CLMA member major donor; Gould Asset Management LLC; Claremont Trader Joe’s; the Claremont Chamber of Commerce “Best B.E.T.” Grant Program; Peggy A. Carlson, Wealthcare Capital Management; and online contributions from individuals nationwide.

To see the final images on the Art Wall, visit:

For more photos of ARTpix in action, visit:

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