ArtX Student Art Competition Winners Announced
(May 5, 2011) – The Claremont Museum of Art is pleased to announce the winners of ArtX 2011, a juried art competition and exhibition for all high school students, grades 9 – 12, who attend school or live in Claremont, California. Public, private and home-schooled students were invited to participate. ArtX is an exciting opportunity for high school student artists to learn and experience the finer points of the competition and exhibition process.

Seventy-seven entries were accepted and judged by a panel of professional artists and arts educators. Winners were announced May 4th at the exhibition opening reception, attended by 150 people in the Ginger Elliott Gallery at Memorial Park. Cash awards were given to the artwork that placed in the categories of Best of Show ($300) plus First ($200), Second ($150) and Third ($100) place and Honorable Mentions ($50) in each of two categories: mixed media and photography.
Winning artwork will be on display at the Ginger Elliot Gallery at Claremont Heritage’s Garner House at Memorial Park, 840 North Indian Hill Blvd. through May 15: Fridays 3-6pm, Saturdays and Sundays noon- 5pm. All entries are exhibited on the Claremont Museum of Art website ArtX is made possible by a substantial donation from a CMA member. The Ginger Elliot Gallery exhibition space for ArtX has been generously underwritten by Gould Asset Management LLC of Claremont.
The Winners
Best of Show: Cory Paringer, Claremont High School, Grade 11. “Oil Spill”, 2011. Pencil drawing on paper.
First Place Mixed Media: Tyler Sharpnac, Claremont High School, Grade 9. “Art Matters”, Spray paint, paint pens, oil paint, Sharpies on canvas.
Second Place Mixed Media: Timmy Luong, Claremont High School, Grade 12. “Untitled”, Charcoal and pastel.
Third Place Mixed Media: Sarah Hammado, Claremont High School, Grade 10. “United We Stand”, Acrylic paint.
First Place Photography: Will Stanger, Claremont High School, Grade 10. “Duplicity”, Digital photography collage
Second Place Photography: Marvin Carabante, Claremont High School, Grade 10. “Griffith Observatory”, Digital photography collage
Third Place Photography: Paul Cho, Claremont High School, Grade 11. “Depth of Field”, Digital Photography
ArtX…the X is for excellence, eXtraordinary and X marks the spot for Claremont’s student artists!
The theme for ArtX2011, What Matters?, was particularly appropriate for the times. Not only did the theme provide both a global and local source of inspiration for artists, it could also be interpreted on a very personal level.
ArtX focused on two-dimensional forms of artistic expression: multimedia and photography. Artwork was be reviewed and critiqued by a panel of judges comprised of professional working artists and arts educators. How students interpreted the competition’s theme, What Matters? was extremely important. The resulting exhibition showcases the creative talents of high school level student artists currently working in the City of Claremont.
Faces Behind the Scene

As the director of arts education for the Claremont Museum of Art (2007-2009), Lori Evans Lama created the ArtX project for high school students and the aRtPM graffiti art project for middle school students along with a comprehensive menu of public gallery programs. Prior to her work with CMA, Lori was a senior programming staff member at PBS and later a vice president/broadcast executive for an international media company. Lori is also an award-winning writer, director and producer.
ArtX Judges and Judging Process
Judging of student artwork entered in the ArtX competition was based on creativity and originality, skill and technique, artistic vision and style and execution of the theme “What Matters?” Each piece of student artwork was evaluated using a standardized rubric, a printed set of rules and instructions used to guide the judges. Then, the artwork was judged on a simple rating scale and calculated to determine the winning entries.
Judges included noted Claremont water color painter and founding Claremont Museum of Art Board member, Jim Fuller; practicing artist and Scripps College faculty member, Nancy Macko; artist and arts educator at Los Osos High School in Rancho Cucamonga, Jeanne Steffan; Pomona Arts Colony gallery owner and painter, Juan Thorp; and museum program and outreach manager for Pomona College Museum of Art in Claremont, Jessica Wimbley.
ArtX Exhibition hours details
Sunday, May 8 – Noon-5 PM
Thursday, May 5 – 3 PM-6 PM
Friday, May 6 – 3 PM-7:30 PM
Saturday, May 7 – Noon-5 PM
Friday, May 13 – 3 PM-6 PM
Saturday, May 14 – Noon-5 PM
Sunday, May 15 – Noon-5 PM